The Declaration of Protective Covenants is the Association’s “source document”, sometimes referred to as the “Green Book,” or simply the “Covenants”. Carriage Hill has additional covenants specific to that subdivision.
The Architectural-Standards-Blue-Book-10-2017 (ASHUR) is a supplement to the “Covenants” focused on architectural standards and use restrictions, traditionally referred to as the “Blue Book”.
The Association By-Laws are defined by Exhibit D of the Declaration of Protective Covenants. The focus of this Exhibit is the Association’s Board of Directors and the conduct of the Association’s business.
The EOA Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) is a compilation of policies, processes and procedures that document how the Board of Directors, EOA Officers and Committees conduct the affairs of the Association. It is based in the Association’s Covenants and By-laws and accepted business practices.